It takes five or more interactions for 80% of prospects to convert into a customer. However, most sales teams will only try one or two times before they start to abandon prospects. This means your sales team could more than double their sales figures, every month, if they persist. So this is something you might want to consider when you create sales goals in the future.

At times, the high number of interactions isn’t even necessary. Some prospects are ready to convert much earlier, but just aren’t closed properly. Again this is missed revenue and commissions.

So, why are sale teams stopping so early? One of the biggest barriers for sales teams is the inability to read the signs that say prospects are ready to purchase. There are four main signs to look for in determining whether a customer is in a position to convert.

Nodding the head

When a prospect is nodding their head, they are agreeing with the salesperson and are aligning their thought pattern to that of the seller. It is a typical, unconscious movement that means they’re ready to purchase. To spot it, you have to have good eye contact and listen to what the prospect is saying.

They repeat benefits

This is a typical ‘ready to purchase’ signal that can sometimes be misread. This is when the prospect repeats a benefit statement for your sales team to validate the benefit. It is a key point because the prospect is letting you know that this is an important aspect to them and they want confirmation that they’ll get it.

If your team are being asked for validation, they should be looking to confirm those details and close deals.

The prospect asks for a price

This is another typical ‘ready to purchase’ signal that can be misread by your sales team. Most salespeople will think that this is an objection or barrier signal and that the prospect is price orientated. However, it could be that the prospect is working out their budget and how to get the cost into it.

However, first, your team might need to rid any last barriers to purchase by ensuring that the prospect has no more reservations. A question like “does the product meet all your requirements?” might be a good start.

They say yes

The most obvious sign. However, sale people may miss this and not close. So, if your prospect says that they’re interested in making a purchase, then the deal should be closed without delay.

Don’t let your team miss out on potential sales. Create sales goals that are double what they are currently doing and retrain them to see the key signs that a prospect is ready to purchase.